Friday, May 25, 2012

Sh*t I wish I knew

1. Don't come in insisting that you're going to be a certain major

As I was sitting there waiting to get my diploma, listening to the numerous students who graduated with distinction or with highest distinction, I was a little bummed. My Gpa didn't suck, it was decent, but I definitely didn't get as much out of my psyc major as I could have. This largely has to do with the fact that about halfway through I realized I hated psychology. I wasn't passionate about what I was learning, but because I had come in and immediately started taking tons of psyc classes as soon as I entered school by the time I realized that I didn't want to major in it it was really too late. Because of my lack of enthusiasm, I didn't participate in the numerous research opportunities that the department had available, I didn't even consider doing the distinguished major program, and I didn't feel like getting to know my professors.

On the other hand my bioethics minor was my saving grace. I took a random class by chance and fell in love with the subject. You know the adage "if you do what you love you won't work a day in your life?" Semi true. I did have to work, but for my bioethics minor I wanted to work. I did all the reading for every class because I wanted to be able to participate and because I respected my professors. And my grades reflected that.

So my recommendation would be chill, you don't need to decide asap what you want to major in. Take a variety of classes that interest you and eventually I'm sure something will click. Once you find that class that totally wows you, ask the professor for further recommendations. Even take the time to scroll the list of available majors at your school. I don't know how many times I have lamented the fact that I found out about the Global Development Studies major when it was too late. I'm lucky to have finally found my passion (even if it was a little late in the game), but to all you others: keep an open mind!

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