Monday, August 13, 2012

On Why My Future Classmates Intimidate Me

I recently joined a face book group for RSPH class of 2014 (2014 seems both far off and not so far off in the future). It's been interesting to see what my future classmates have to say; posts consist primarily about housing, getting together to explore Atlanta, etc. Fairly harmless, but let me tell you browsing through the list of people in the group (women greatly outnumber guys which may or may not be a good thing for me) I have to say, I'm extremely intimidated by some of these people.

When I don't have any cute classmates I'm reminded of Miss Norbury's wise words: "You can do this. There's nothing to break your focus, because not one of those Marymount boys is cute. "

See when you a list of people on Fb, in little print underneath a person's name is often their college or job title. Mine happens to be Independent Stylist at Stella and Dot, rather cutesy. But others have things such as NIH researcher, CDC intern, volunteer with <insert international philanthropic organization here>, really prestigious stuff. So while I've been wasting away my summer waiting tables, my classmates have been finding the cure for cancer or deworming orphans in South America.

I feel super unaccomplished. Yes I graduated from a kick ass school, but as far as internships go...not my resume's strong point. I've done things, but nothing specifically public health related. I just need to stop looking and comparing myself to others and just focus on myself. They must've picked me for a reason, and goodness knows I've got enough to occupy my mind for right now.

1 comment:

  1. you got this gurlll. just remember they thought you had just as much to bring to the table as these guys!! you're in and you're gonna ROCK IT!
