Now, early on in a relationship or whatever you want to call it, I think it's ok to wonder. Hey, that's half the fun, the oh-my-gosh, crush is forming stage where you're talking but things haven't gotten serious. There's no need to rush that part and put a label on things, so don't ask. But after a time (and I can't really put a definitive number on this, but I think you start to get an inkling)... it's natural to start to question things. I also think that when the time and the person is right, you won't have to wonder.
I realize this epiphany may be a "no shit Sherlock" nugget of knowledge for many of you. But if you're like me, maybe a little rusty dealing with members of the opposite sex, and have a need for definitive answers before you tie a neat ribbon around a chapter and begin to move on, well this was a moment of enlightenment. Maybe on some level I knew it all along. My gut feelings have had an amazing tendency of being right. But as far as actually listening to and believing in what I deep down know to be the truth, well I've got a ways to go on that one...
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lol noob