Thursday, September 13, 2012

Stressed is Just Desserts Spelled Backwards Right?

Surprise surprise, I'm in grad school and stress has already begun to rear its ugly head. The horrible part about all of this is that I really have nothing to be stressed about! I really don't have that much work (and for once I'm actually keeping up with it), and I only have class three days a week. I really don't know what the deal is.

It might be a combination of thinking too far ahead into the future about exams and finals and jobs, it may also be the panic that I feel knowing that I've applied to close to 30 internships and have yet to hear back from any. It could be that nagging feeling I have of trying to keep my Stella and Dot business alive or the fact that I've been blowing a lot of money on all the kickass restaurants/bars around Atlanta (let's face it, having friends gets expensive).

Mostly I think I'm just making this up and causing myself to feel more stressed and worried than I need to be. Hell, why am I worried about flunking out and not getting my MPH?! I don't think that's even a real option. It's those horrible start of the new school year jitters; that period in the semester when you want to be perfect and do as well as you can and take advantage of every opportunity that comes your way.

I need to chill because honestly there's more to life than worrying about the future and things I can't control. Obviously stress can also be a good motivator (I've already started to do my readings for a class on Monday that's how type-A I'm being), and it's always good to want to do well in school. But remember that adage about treating every day as a gift? Not to be morbid, but if I were to die tomorrow, I would never have wanted to spend my last days being miserable, that's a waste of the awesome life that I've been given. I want to work hard (or shall I say work smart), but also have fun, that's a priority for me. So to all of you that may be feeling the pressure right about now, stop and smell the roses (or whatever it is you do) because life really is awesome. Why waste it?

via pinterest. 

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