Friday, June 15, 2012

Thank you!!

So I wish I had some funny story to tell you about a crazy birthday adventure that I got myself into last night, but I don't. Let's face it, all birthdays are going to pale in comparison to my 21st spent in Cyprus (can you tell I'm really homesick for it?). But that's ok because I realized as my family and I were basically attacking the red velvet cake my mom made (so good!) and my dad ran to get some sort of weird birthday hat for me to wear, wanting to embarrass me the way they do in Mexican restaurants (the best he came up with was a detachable hood from a furry winter jacket) that I kinda love being a home body, and more importantly that I really love my family.

Good choice Dad!

I also wanted to write and say how touched and happy all of the happy birthday comments on fb make me! It's exciting to know that so many people think about you on such a special day. And lastly, thanks to everyone who has been reading my blog! I never thought that it would be received the way that it has been (I was picturing it more to be like some sort of awkward public diary that no one paid attention to!). I'm so flattered and excited by all of the praise, it really makes my day when someone tells me how much they love reading it!
Thank you Lacey LeBleu for reposting this nugget on fb! 21st in Cyprus

Sorry this isn't as funny/interesting as a normal post (I feel like there's some sort of pressure/expectation to live up to now haha). But don't worry, I've been brainstorming more nuggets for the Sh*t I wish I knew and Sh*t I'm glad I did series. Any sh*t you wish you had known or sh*t you're glad you did?

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