Thursday, June 7, 2012

True Confessions: Hoarding

I think I have a problem. I own way too much stuff, and when I say stuff I mean shit. My ideal room would look like this (I'm obsessed with interior decorating--another sign of growing up):

But seriously how does anyone do this?! While packing up to move back home I realized that I couldn't take as much crap with me when I moved to Atlanta in August. I have neither the trunk space nor the extra room in my extremely small future apt. Moving sucks. I'm still traumatized from having to go through 3 years of stuff I accumulated while living in my C-ville apartment. So traumatized that I'm absolutely dead set on downsizing for next time. 

Why do I have such an attachment to things? Why can't I throw anything away? Why when I go through old clothes, making a pitiful attempt at purging, do I look at the shirt I haven't worn in 3 years and think "no I can't get rid of this yet, I could wear this to a party!" Of course I never do end up wearing that shirt so what's the point?! Let's face it, even though I'm constantly wanting more, half my clothes/shoes I never wear, and this bothers me. 

I save everything, old cards, old notes, old pictures. They are all up in boxes in my closet. Will I ever look through these again? Chances are I won't, but I can't bring myself to throw away old notes I passed in class during high school, or the card I got from an old boyfriend. Maybe it's ok to save some memories, just simply for the peace of mind. But that junk drawer? Gotta go! 

1 comment:

  1. Alannah, I am TOTALLY in the same boat. I'm finally moving out & going through my stuff is like going all the way back to the 90s! I'm kind of hoping my mom will let me stow some of my old memories here at the original house, but at some point it's either you should take your stuff if you don't want to lose it or you should throw it away because the memories are in your head. Keep your blog fans (too much? whatevs) updated! <3
